Obviously Made

Obviously Made


A computer, a computer program, a calculator, a battery, a book, a watch, a car, a bridge, a table, a chair, a skyscraper, a house, a phone, a tablet, an airplane, a jet, and even a baby was obviously made. Likewise, a genome was obviously made. They had a beginning which means that they had some kind of Beginner or Maker who brought them into existence.

ALL of these things were obviously made.

NONE of these things has ever been observed spontaneously generating out of thin air ex nihilo, because they can’t. Entropy or the second law of thermodynamics prevents spontaneous generation from happening. Furthermore, spontaneous generation was falsified in 1859 by Louis Pasteur. Spontaneous generation is physically impossible. That’s the real science behind all of this.

Things that were obviously made obviously had a Maker who made them. This truth is unavoidable, because there is NO such thing as abiogenesis, spontaneous generation, creation ex nihilo, chemical evolution, or macro-evolution. They are physically impossible. They are prevented from happening by entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.

ALL of the things on the list were obviously made.

However, a genome is different than the others in a very obvious and unique way.

Can you tell what that is?

The first things on the list were obviously man-made. However, a genome obviously was NOT man-made. A genome and the proteins which that genome produces obviously pre-date man or human beings, which means that a genome and proteins obviously were NOT man-made. So, who made them? It’s obvious that they were made, because such things have NEVER been observed spontaneously generating out of thin air ex nihilo.

Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it.

Observation or Premise: A genome was obviously made.

Logical Conclusion: Therefore, a genome obviously has a Maker or a Creator who designed it, programmed it, engineered it, field-tested it, fine-tuned it, made it, manufactured it, and deployed it.

This syllogism is both a Philosophical Proof of God’s Existence and a Scientific Proof of God’s Existence. If its premises are true, then its conclusion must be true as well.

Genomes were obviously made; so, who made them?

That is the million-dollar question and the 800-pound gorilla, is it not?

There’s only one logical answer to this question because genomes cannot spontaneously generate out of thin air as the Atheists and Darwinists claim.

Your genome is God’s Signature, and God’s Signature is written on every cell in your body. Simple. Logical. Parsimonious. True. Q.E.D.

We shouldn’t be embarrassed by the truth. Science or observation makes the truth obvious, or it should.

Natural Selection Is a Blind Watchmaker


Richard Dawkins is the best that the Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists have been able to produce. In one of his best-selling books, Dawkins claims that natural selection is a blind watchmaker. How many blind watchmakers have you encountered during your life? They don’t exist. Likewise, design and creation by natural selection does not exist. It’s science fiction.

All appearances to the contrary, the only watchmaker in nature is the blind forces of physics, albeit deployed in very special way. A true watchmaker has foresight: he designs his cogs springs, and plans their interconnections, with a future purpose in his mind’s eye. Natural selection, the blind, unconscious, automatic process which Darwin discovered, and which we now know is the explanation for the existence and apparently purposeful form of all life, has no purpose in mind. It has no mind and no mind’s eye. It does not plan for the future. It has no vision, no foresight, no sight at all. If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature, it is the blind watchmaker.

Mutation is random; natural selection is the very opposite of random.

We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully ‘designed’ to have come into existence by chance.

The essence of life is statistical improbability on a colossal scale.

— Richard Dawkins

The Blind Watchmaker (1986), 5, 41, 51, 317.

Richard Dawkins claims that a blind watchmaker, called natural selection, made your proteins, genes, genomes, eyes, brain, and physical body. Richard Dawkins is talking about “spontaneous generation by natural selection”. These claims are so obviously false that it’s simply amazing to find people who actually believe that they are true.

In fact, these quotes are based upon a category error logic fallacy, wherein Richard Dawkins places natural selection into the category of “Invisible Gods Who Can Design and Create Anything They Set Their Minds To”. Richard Dawkins just elevated natural selection to the status of Godhood by turning natural selection into a Designer and a Creator, but one that is running around blind and half-cocked.

It’s obvious that genomes required vision, foresight, and some kind of purpose in mind. Dawkins even says as much in many of his statements. Genomes don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air. And, if you take Dawkins’ explanation of natural selection in this quote seriously, you simply KNOW that natural selection could never have designed and created a genome from scratch or from atoms. It’s physically impossible. Chemical Evolution and Macro-Evolution of any kind are prevented from happening by entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.

Furthermore, natural selection did not exist and could not exist until after God designed, programmed, engineered, fine-tuned, field-tested, created, manufactured, and deployed the genomes in the first place. This reality is so obviously true that Dawkins’ claims don’t make any logical sense to the rational mind.

Dawkins portrays natural selection as if it were some kind of magical God. Dawkins describes natural selection is if it were spontaneous generation, creation ex nihilo, or magic. These things don’t exist. They have been falsified by science –meaning that they have been falsified by observation and experience.

In fact, natural selection doesn’t really exist either. Natural selection is defined into existence by the scientists, but natural selection doesn’t exist as a person, entity, psyche, intelligence, field, or force that can actually do something constructive for us. Natural selection is a function of entropy or work; and, entropy cannot design and create. Dawkins portrays natural selection as some type of spontaneous generation. His analogy is flawed, because there is no such thing as spontaneous generation or abiogenesis.

Dawkins is wrong. Natural selection is purely random – purely a function of chance. When you get selected against and die as a result, that’s just as much a function of chance as anything else in this universe. The fittest are typically the first to die or the first to get selected against through war, risk-taking, infection, bad luck, and accidents of every kind. The timid, the meek, and the restrained really do inherit the earth.

There’s no such thing as “spontaneous generation by natural selection”. In fact, there’s no such thing as spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, or macro-evolution was falsified in 1859 by Louis Pasteur – the very same year that Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”. We have KNOWN from the very beginning of the theory that the Theory of Evolution, Creation by Natural Selection, Abiogenesis, Chemical Evolution, Materialism, and Naturalism are false because they are physically impossible and prevented from happening by entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.

Mankind, human beings, and blind watchmakers obviously did NOT make the genomes, so who did?

Well, WE KNOW that it wasn’t natural selection because natural selection cannot design and create. Natural selection doesn’t touch our genes. It can’t. It’s physically impossible. Dawkins doesn’t even understand his own theory. The “agent of change” in the theory of evolution is the random mutations which take place during the genetic recombination that is used to produce our gametes – egg and sperm. Natural selection doesn’t touch our genes. Natural selection results in entropy, death, and extinction. That’s it!

Natural selection doesn’t do anything to our genes or for our genes. Natural selection doesn’t do anything except wait for us to die. Even sexual selection doesn’t do anything for you after you have been conceived. Natural selection is not the panacea or magic potion that Dawkins claims that it is. Richard Dawkins’ claims are obviously false to anyone who actually understands the Theory of Evolution, Entropy, Natural Selection, Random Mutations, and Science.

Furthermore, Richard Dawkins’ blind watchmaker model is obviously self-refuting. A blind watch maker is an intelligent being; and, intelligent beings obviously qualify as Makers or Creators or Gods. Just because he is blind, it doesn’t satisfy the demands of Richard Dawkins’ claim that proteins, genomes, and life forms just spontaneously generated out of thin air by natural selection. Furthermore, a blind watchmaker (or natural selection) is definitely NOT going to be making a watch or genome without some help from some other intelligent beings. An intelligent watch maker (blind or otherwise) actually falsifies and refutes Dawkins’ claim that our proteins, genes, genomes, eyes, brains, and physical bodies spontaneously generated out of thin air by natural selection.

A watch or genome is NOT going to spontaneously generate out of thin air. Entropy or the second law of thermodynamics prevents it from doing so. Entropy prevents Chemical Evolution of any kind from happening in the first place. That’s the real science behind all of this.

A watch of any kind was obviously made. Likewise, a genome of any kind was obviously made. These things do NOT spontaneously generate out of thin air by natural selection or by any other means. They have NEVER been observed doing so, because they can’t. It’s physically impossible. Entropy or the second law of thermodynamics prevents watches and genomes from spontaneously generating into existence. Therefore, Richard Dawkins’ claims are falsified by science, entropy, random diffusion, and the second law of thermodynamics. His claims are also falsified by logical common sense.

Yes, a blind watchmaker can theoretically make watches because he is an intelligent being. NO, a gene, protein, genome, eye, brain, or physical body cannot spontaneously generate into existence. They are prevented from doing so by entropy. Spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, or macro-evolution of any kind is physically impossible. It can’t happen, which means that it didn’t happen.

Most people can quickly see where Richard Dawkins goes wrong, because he is not a good philosopher, and he’s not much of a scientist either. Most of what he promotes was falsified decades ago.

It’s Obvious that Genomes Were Made


Even Richard Dawkins seems to agree that genomes were obviously made. So, what’s his hang-up? His problem is that he doesn’t want the Biblical God to be his Maker. Anything but God!



In the following quote, Richard Dawkins states in a round-about way that genomes were obviously made. It would take from here to infinity for a genome to self-assemble by sheer higgledy-piggledy luck. I believe it, because it is true.

It is grindingly, creakingly, crashingly obvious that, if Darwinism were really a theory of chance, it couldn’t work. You don’t need to be a mathematician or physicist to calculate that an eye or a hemoglobin molecule would take from here to infinity to self-assemble by sheer higgledy-piggledy luck. Far from being a difficulty peculiar to Darwinism, the astronomic improbability of eyes and knees, enzymes, and elbow joints and all the other living wonders is precisely the problem that any theory of life must solve, and that Darwinism uniquely does solve. It solves it by breaking the improbability up into small, manageable parts, smearing out the luck needed, going round the back of Mount Improbable and crawling up the gentle slopes, inch by million-year inch. Only God would essay the mad task of leaping up the precipice in a single bound.

— Richard Dawkins

Climbing Mount Improbable (1996), 67-8.

Dawkins is trying to make a case for Evolution or Darwinism, but he inevitably ends up refuting it, and debunking it, and falsifying it with truths hidden among the deceptive lies. A genome would take from here to infinity to self-assemble by sheer higgledy-piggledy luck. That is the truth; and, natural selection is nothing but luck – bad luck at that. It’s never your lucky day when you get selected against and die.

ALL of Richard Dawkins’ books are self-refuting and self-defeating. They contain within them their own seeds of destruction.


It’s because his books were obviously made, which means that they obviously had a Maker, Creator, or God who made them.

In our own limited way, human beings are Gods. We are Creators. Adam was a son of God. That means that both his spirit body and his physical body were descended from the Gods. We human beings are Gods. We are descended from the Gods. Both our spirit body and our physical body are descended from the Gods. We inherited the ability to design and create from the Gods, our ancestors.

In this quote, Dawkins actually explains why Darwinism can’t work and doesn’t work – because it’s a theory of chance or a theory of spontaneous generation. Smeared-out luck is still luck. It is still chance. In fact, it becomes less likely the more smeared-out it is. Infinite luck is even more impossible and improbable than one-time luck. Infinite luck or smeared-out luck has to get lucky each inch by million-year inch, instead of getting lucky only once. That’s impossible! It’s physically impossible for genetically compatible Mr. and Mrs. Mutants to be born at the same place at the same time year after year for millions of years. Genetics, random mutations, and entropy prevent it from happening! It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done. We don’t have chimp-like ancestors because that’s physically impossible. Both genetics and random mutations prevented it from happening.

Dawkins is right. ONLY God could have taken the task of designing and creating a genome in a single bound; and, the Gods have admitted that they are scientists and took their time getting our physical world, physical genome, and physical body just right for our existence. Even the Gods didn’t do it in a single bound; but, they did do it. The Gods are scientists, not magicians; and, Richard Dawkins repeatedly portrays Darwinism as magic. The contrast couldn’t be more obvious.

The Gods watched until they were obeyed.


While using God to make his case, Richard Dawkins actually falsifies his case. Dawkins actually admits that ONLY God could do “life” in a single bound; and, we all know instinctively that a genome has to be fully in place and fully functional in the first place, or an organism is going to die and go extinct. Life had to be done in a single bound, because it couldn’t have been done over millions of years – one gene at a time. A gene by itself is worthless. It doesn’t do anything. It requires all 20,000 of them to make a genome. They all have to be there from the very beginning, or an organism dies and goes extinct.

Likewise, a million apes pounding away on a typewriter could NEVER produce Dawkins’ books in a trillion zillion years. First of all, they wouldn’t know how to load the paper into the machine. Second of all, that typewriter, that paper, and those apes were obviously made, which means that they each had an intelligent Maker – a fact that falsifies Dawkins’ claims that natural selection made them. Natural selection didn’t make the typewriter and the paper, and it certainly didn’t make the apes.



Dawkins’ arguments are self-defeating, because Dawkins’ deliberately ignores and excludes the Maker, Creator, or God behind each one of them. Richard Dawkins’ arguments and claims are non-starters. Everything that he talks about was obviously made. The blind watchmaker was obviously made. His books and concepts were obviously made. Even natural selection is a made-up concept concocted out of thin air by the scientists or intelligent psyches who thought up the idea.

There’s NO getting around it – anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker, Creator, or God who made it. That’s just the way it is. Proteins and the matching genes to go along with them don’t spontaneously generate out of thin air. That’s physically impossible. It’s prevented from happening by entropy or the second law of thermodynamics. Proteins and genes were obviously made.

Richard Dawkins’ examples and claims are self-defeating. They are defeated by science, logic, common sense, entropy, and reality itself. They are defeated by observation and experience. Science is observation and experience, not spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation, chemical evolution, or macro-evolution was falsified by Science, by experience, and by observation.

I buy into the science, and not Dawkins’ wishful thinking and confirmation bias.

Belief in Darwinism Requires an Infinite Amount of Blind Faith


I have repeatedly observed that belief in Darwinism, Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism require an infinite amount of ignorance and blind-faith in order to believe in them because their Hidden Assumptions or Major premises cannot be experienced nor observed and have to be taken on blind-faith as being true.

Faith is belief without evidence and reason; coincidentally that’s also the definition of delusion.

Do not indoctrinate your children. Teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence, and how to disagree with you.

— Richard Dawkins

I love to read Dawkins. He always puts a smile on my face. Practically everything he says is self-defeating in one way or another.

Dawkins debunks himself and falsifies himself as he goes along. Dawkins defeats himself with practically everything he says.

I also love the hypocrisy. He should practice what he preaches, but he’s incapable of seeing and understanding the contradictions.

Teach your children how to think for themselves, how to evaluate the evidence, and how to falsify and debunk Richard Dawkins. Teach your children to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence and not just the selective sub-set that Richard Dawkins allows into evidence.

Ironically, Dawkins’ beliefs or blind-faith are without evidence and run contrary to reason, which according to Dawkins means that they are delusional. That always puts a smile on my face every time I think of it. Everything that Dawkins says is based upon blind-faith and runs contrary to the scientific evidence and observational evidence that we have on hand as a race. Gotta love it! Self-deception works, and it works every time – especially when it comes to PhD scientists and authors. Remember, Dawkins’ beliefs or blind-faith are contradicted by the scientific evidence or empirical evidence which has been experienced and observed.

We should be thankful to Richard Dawkins for giving us a nearly endless stream of material to falsify and debunk. It’s good for us. It forces us to think. It teaches us how to evaluate the evidence and how to disagree with and falsify Richard Dawkins.

Dawkins’ books are NOT best-sellers because they are true. They are best-sellers because they are telling their readers what they want to hear – namely that God does not exist. People will pay a lot of money to be told that God does not exist because that’s what they want to hear.

In contrast, my books will never be best-sellers, because I’m not telling the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists what they want to hear. I’m telling them the truth. These people aren’t going to pay money to be told that God exists and why He must exist. And, the Christians and Muslims already know that God exists, so technically they don’t need my books and won’t be buying my books either. That’s just the way it is.

I make and produce these books for my own benefit, so that I have a way of remembering what I have learned. While in a physical package, memory is such a fickle thing – one day you wake up and it is gone. But, it’s not going to disappear on me and be gone if I can get it into a book.

The Philosophy of Science Falsifies Darwinism


I’m big on the Philosophy of Science. I actually used the Philosophy of Science and negating the consequent to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism in many of my books.

I’m a generalist. I’m good at everything and master of nothing. The breadth and depth of my education is quite amazing, actually. My problem is that I get bored easily unless I’m learning something new.

I’m a scientist, psychologist, theoretician, logician, philosopher, accountant, mathematician, statistician, and computer scientist.

When I first watched Richard Dawkins debate others, I was surprised when I first realized that I KNOW a lot more science, theology, psychology, theory, logic, history, and philosophy than Richard Dawkins does. I was embarrassed for him. I felt sorry for him. He was making a fool of himself and didn’t even know it. His ignorance was simply amazing. He has no breadth. His atheism has stunted his growth. He stopped learning long ago.

I was expecting Dawkins to have something significant or convincing to say, but he didn’t. His science is over fifty years old and out-of-date. It expired long ago. And, Dawkins has absolutely no knowledge of philosophy, logic, and the Philosophy of Science. His arguments didn’t work, because they were easily falsified as he went along; yet, all the time he actually thought that he was winning the debate. Go figure!

Philosopher of science, Karl Popper, wrote: “Testable theories are scientific, but those that are ‘untestable’ are not.”

In Unended Quest, Popper declared, “I have come to the conclusion that Darwinism is not a testable scientific theory, but a metaphysical research programme, a possible framework for testable scientific theories.”

Karl Popper is right.

I came to the same conclusion myself multiple times in many different ways.

Darwinism is a faulty and falsified religion. Evolution and natural selection are man-made gods.

Darwinism, Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution are NOT testable scientific theories. They are philosophy, religion, or metaphysics because they require a ton of blind-faith in order to believe in them and because ALL of the observational evidence and experiential evidence falsifies them.

Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are NOT science. They are not testable, and there is NO evidence and can be NO evidence supporting their Hidden Assumptions or Major Premises which claim that the quantum or the supernatural does not exist. ALL of the evidence that we have on hand as a race tells us clearly and conclusively that the quantum or the supernatural does in fact exist in spades. Quantum Mechanics or Supernatural Mechanics or Transdimensional Physics is our best-proven, most-verified, and most-used science that we have. WE KNOW that it exists because it has been experienced and observed. WE KNOW that it exists by the effects that it has on physical matter.

The very existence of Syntropy or Quantum Mechanics or Intelligence falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism. The proven, verified, and experienced existence of magnetism, gravity, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, psyche, dark energy, and dark matter or spirit matter FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and even Atheism.

The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed. Science is observation and experience, not philosophical speculation and wishful thinking.

Remember, Darwinism is metaphysics or religion – not science. It requires an infinite amount of blind-faith and ignorance in order to believe in it. The same applies to Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism. These are metaphysics or religion, and not science. That is what I have experienced and observed. I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist until ALL of the scientific evidence and observational evidence convinced me that I was wrong.

In my psychology courses in college, each author paid homage to Darwinism and the Theory of Evolution in their texts. Most of the things that they said were obviously false. It was so obvious that it was painful at times. It’s unfortunate that they chose to call it evolutionary psychology and an evolutionary perspective, because evolution is in dispute. Something that is in dispute shouldn’t be a part of science, especially a metaphysical philosophy such as Darwinism.

Evolutionary psychology is actually comparative psychology, because they are comparing animals with humans. They should have called it Comparative Psychology and not evolutionary psychology. Evolution is in dispute. Comparisons are not. Furthermore, they should have called it a Genetic Perspective rather than an evolutionary perspective for the very same reason. Evolution is in dispute. Genes and genomes are not. The genes and genomes have been experienced and observed; whereas, the different types of evolution have not. The different types of evolution – including random mutations and natural selection – have NEVER been caught in the act of designing and creating new unique proteins, genes, genomes, and life-forms from scratch because they can’t. It’s physically impossible.

Philosophies like Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism cannot do science. They will never be caught in the act of doing science, design, creation, engineering, field-testing, fine-tuning, manufacturing, distribution, or anything else because they can’t. This is so obviously true, that everyone has completely overlooked its significance. Only Psyche, Intelligence, or Syntropy can do design and creation; and, there’s no intelligence anywhere within the Theory of Evolution. Richard Dawkins even says as much in the different statements that he has made.

Evolution is entropy. The different types of evolution are based upon entropy. Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Scientism, Determinism, Classical Physics, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are based exclusively on entropy. Evolution is prevented from happening by entropy. Entropy or evolution cannot design and create. There is no intelligence in evolution or entropy.

Fascinating, is it not, how the truth rises to the top if you choose to let it do so?

Computer Science Falsifies Darwinism


Bill Gates — DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.

A genome is like a computer program. It was obviously made.

Those of us who are Computer Scientists recognize a genome for what it truly is. A genome is both hardware and software. It’s a computer program, a radically advanced four-dimensional computer program. A genome is also precision hardware. A genome is both software and a machine.



I was a computer programmer for a decade in the 1980’s. I KNOW for a fact from experience and observation that elegant code does NOT spontaneously generate out of thin air. Computer programs don’t spontaneously generate from nothing or natural selection, as Richard Dawkins claims. Elegant code is designed, planned, and made. It requires a Maker, Creator, or God. Computer programs were obviously made, which means that they obviously have a Maker who made them.

Likewise, a genome is obviously elegant programming code. A genome is also hardware. Programming code and hardware don’t spontaneously generate into existence automatically. A million monkeys pounding away on a keyboard won’t produce them either, because that keyboard and those monkeys were obviously made by some kind of Maker, Creator, or God – and they still can’t produce a genome from scratch. A million monkeys and a keyboard do NOT qualify as an adequate example of spontaneous generation, chemical evolution, or macro-evolution because they were obviously made. Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker, Creator, or God who made it. That’s logical common sense.

A complex computer program such as a genome was obviously made, which means that it obviously has a Maker who made it.

Scientific Proof of God’s Existence


I found this philosophical proof of God’s existence and Scientific Proof of God’s Existence convincing ever since it was first revealed to me. Genomes are what convinced me that God exists. God must of necessity exist in order to have done ALL of the science and made ALL the genomes which chemical evolution, macro-evolution, natural selection, and random mutations NEVER could have done or made. To me personally, this reality is obviously true. Genomes were obviously made. Ever since that revelation or epiphany, I have known that God exists because I have known why He must exist. There’s no denying it because I believe the science and KNOW that the premises are true.

Let’s take another look at this Proof of God.

First Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it. This is Logic 101.

Second Observation or Premise: A genome was obviously made. Such a thing doesn’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air. It took some planning, programming, science, and manufacturing to get the job done.

Conclusion: Therefore, a genome obviously has a Maker or a Creator who designed it, programmed it, engineered it, field-tested it, fine-tuned it, made it, manufactured it, and then deployed it.

The first premise is obviously true. If you don’t believe that the first premise is true, then you aren’t living in the same dimension or the same universe as the rest of us. Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it. This claim is obviously true.

Consequently, only the second premise is in dispute. Obviously, if you don’t believe that genomes were made by Someone Intelligent or Someone Psyche, then you are not going to believe the conclusion either. However, most of us are convinced that genomes were obviously made. Even Richard Dawkins said as much, without saying as much.

You don’t need to be a mathematician or physicist to calculate that an eye or a hemoglobin molecule [or a genome] would take from here to infinity to self-assemble by sheer higgledy-piggledy luck. — Richard Dawkins

Even to Dawkins, it’s clear that genomes were obviously made – made by natural selection. The thing he doesn’t realize or understand is that natural selection doesn’t touch our genes, which means that natural selection cannot design and create genomes. Natural selection doesn’t have any teeth. It doesn’t touch our genes.

Dawkins is right, it would take from here to infinity for genomes to self-assemble by sheer higgledy-piggledy luck; but, Dawkins is wrong every time he claims or suggests that natural selection did it because natural selection can’t touch our genes. Natural selection doesn’t do anything for us or against us, before or after the selection has been made. If we are talking about natural selection or survival of the fittest, we can only die once. If we are talking about sexual selection, we can only be conceived once. Either way, selection doesn’t touch our genes. Selection doesn’t change our genes. Selection of any kind doesn’t have anything to do with our genes.

It’s the random mutations that affect our genes; and, random mutations are entropy. Every scientist knows, or should know, that entropy cannot design and create anything. Instead, entropy leads us towards disease, disability, mental illness, cancer, death, and extinction. That is what has been experienced and observed. Entropy is death and extinction. Natural selection produces entropy; and, random mutations are entropy. Entropy cannot design and create. It’s physically impossible.

Self-assembly of genes, proteins, genomes, eyes, brains, and life forms from atoms is impossible. Spontaneous generation is impossible. Design and creation by random mutations and natural selection is impossible. Chemical evolution is impossible. Macro-evolution of any kind is impossible. Self-assembly of genomes from scratch is impossible. It can’t happen, which means that it didn’t happen. Genomes were obviously made. There’s no denying it. It’s obvious.

The mathematicians have indeed run the numbers as Dawkins suggested; and, they have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is physically impossible for proteins and their matching genes to spontaneously generate or self-assemble by sheer luck – even if given an infinite amount of time to do so. Dawkins is right, it would take from here to infinity for genomes to self-assemble by sheer higgledy-piggledy luck. It can’t happen, which means that it didn’t happen. It’s physically impossible. Self-assembly of genomes from atoms is prevented from happening by entropy, random diffusion, or the second law of thermodynamics. Chaos or entropy cannot design and create. Chance or blind luck cannot design and create. Chance or blind luck is also a function of entropy. Natural selection produces death or entropy; and, entropy or natural selection or death cannot design and create as Richard Dawkins says that it does.

The Probability of a Protein Forming by Chance


The Probability of Making a Protein


Evidence for Creation by Outside Intervention


These videos are worth owning, watching, and keeping. I archived them so that they can’t disappear on me while I’m alive.

Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it.

Observation or Premise: A genome was obviously made.

Logical Conclusion: Therefore, a genome obviously has a Maker or a Creator who designed it, programmed it, engineered it, field-tested it, fine-tuned it, made it, manufactured it, and deployed it.

These observations convinced me that God does in fact exist, because I’m a scientist and I believe in the scientific evidence that has been experienced and observed. In other words, I KNOW that the premises are true; therefore, I KNOW that the conclusion MUST be true as well.

Some type of Syntropy, Psyche, or God MUST exist; or, physical matter, entropy, genomes, proteins, and this physical universe would NOT exist. It’s elementary, and it’s obvious.

Consequently, since WE KNOW for a fact that God does indeed exist, the next task is to figure out who He is. I choose to go with our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, because He has been EXPERIENCED and OBSERVED both in the flesh and during our Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), after He rose from the dead. I choose to go with the ONE who has been experienced and observed in real life by real people like you and me. Go with the true and living God – the one who isn’t a man-made God, like evolution or natural selection.

Evolution and natural selection are man-made gods, imbued by definition with all of the power and foresight of a God. But, you don’t want to go with any of the man-made gods because they are nothing but fiction. A man-made god isn’t going to come and get you out of hell. You want to go with the True and Living God, Jesus Christ, because He has been experienced and observed.



Thousands of people have seen Jesus during their Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). Check out the videos! Jesus Christ even came and got some of the atheists out of hell during their NDE. Remember, should you ever find yourself in hell, Jesus Christ can get you out of there just for the asking. Jesus Christ could even get Richard Dawkins out of hell if Richard Dawkins were to ask. That’s good enough for me. That’s the God that I want to go with – the one who can make good on His promises and get me out of a jam.

Go with the best and get rid of all the rest. That’s what I have decided to do, and you can too.

Genomes Were Obviously Made


Genomes were obviously made, which means that they obviously had a Maker, Creator, or God who made them.

A genome is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence. It was the first convincing Scientific Proof of God’s Existence that I encountered in science. It’s so obvious to me that the genomes were made, that it was obvious to me that some kind of Maker, Creator, or God made them. The truth of it was undeniable. Genomes are God’s Signature.

In contrast, it was also obvious to me that spontaneous generation, creation ex nihilo, abiogenesis, natural selection, random mutations, or macro-evolution could never have made or produced a genome. It’s physically impossible. It’s prevented from happening by entropy. It can’t happen, which means that it didn’t happen.

Chemical Evolution of any kind is prevented from happening by entropy or random diffusion. That’s the real science behind all of this. It’s obvious that it requires some type of Syntropy, Intelligence, or Psyche in order to be able to design and create anything – including physical matter and genomes.

Furthermore, it was obvious to me that evolution (genetic change), random mutations, and natural selection did not exist until after God designed and created the physical matter, proteins, genes, genomes, eyes, brains, and life forms in the first place. Random mutations and natural selection obviously could never have produced our genomes because they obviously didn’t exist until after our genomes were made. Evolution didn’t exist until after God made the genomes.

Proteins and the matching genes to go along with them were obviously made, which means that they obviously had a Maker, Creator, or God who made them.

In fact, physical matter, proteins, genes, genomes, eyes, brains, and physical bodies were obviously made, which means that they obviously had a Maker, Creator, or God who made them. This is Logic 101 and positive proof that God does in fact exist.

It’s obvious to me that natural selection, random mutations, chemical evolution, and macro-evolution are man-made gods and are typically portrayed as if they were God; but, they can’t design and create. Since we KNOW for a fact that God must exist, who is the True and Living God that does exist? Jesus Christ is the only one who qualifies because He has been experienced and observed after He rose from the dead. Jesus Christ has the necessary credentials, qualifications, capabilities, and pedigree. It doesn’t get more God-like than rising from the dead or showing up and getting an atheist out of hell.

So, do you want the truth, or do you want convenient fables and science fiction? The choice is yours. That’s not a choice that anybody else can make for you. Where your choices and beliefs are concerned, you are their Maker, Creator, and God. God definitely exists. In your own limited way, you are a God; and, you definitely exist. Get used to it! You’d just as well, because that’s where we are going as a race if we don’t destroy ourselves first.

Mark My Words



The Scientific Method Proves That the Theory of Evolution Is False

