Science 2.0

We Find the Truth by Living It and Experiencing It

Some might argue that my greatest scientific observation and scientific discovery is the realization that Lived Experience IS the BEST way for finding and knowing the truth.

Intro to Science 2.0:  Finding the Truth


Science 2.0: Redefining Science


Modern-day science is in desperate NEED of an upgrade.  The “interpretation phase” of the Scientific Method NEEDS to be completely overhauled, fixed, tightened, and upgraded.  We need to enhance our Philosophy of Science.  All of our stupid, idiotic, and illogical “personal interpretations” of the scientific data ARE the fatal flaw of the Scientific Method.  We no longer try to find the true interpretation or the true cause of the scientific data.  We simply go with Creation by Chance as our ONLY causal explanation for everything that exists in this universe.  It’s sloppy science and Bad Science.

Ludwig Boltzmann was the one who pushed for and gave us the “disorder definition” for entropy.  Thanks to Boltzmann and some other people, the second law of thermodynamics stopped being about heat or thermodynamics and became all about random disorder or chaos instead.  Then Boltzmann and his associates went one step further and decided that “random fluctuations in entropy” or “random fluctuations in disorder” can create Boltzmann Brains, the Big Bang, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Genomes, Proteins, Eyes, and Life Forms out of thin air from nothing as if by magic.

This is one of the dumbest ideas ever created by the mind of man.  It’s right up there with the theory of evolution.  It is Creation by Disorder, Creation by Chaos, Creation by Entropy, or Creation by Chance.  Yet, they all take it seriously, so seriously that they have CHANCE designing and creating everything that exists in our universe.  These people want chaos, random disorder, entropy, or chance to be our Designer, our Creator, and our God.

Boltzmann and his followers decided that everything in our universe was designed and created by “random fluctuations in entropy”.  In other words, it was created by disorder, created by entropy, or created by chance.  Even the world-famous Stephen Hawking jumped onto the bandwagon and decided that the Big Bang, Planets, Stars, and Galaxies were designed and created by “quantum fluctuations”.  It’s the same stupid idea.  It’s magic!  It’s Creation Ex Nihilo, Creation by Entropy, Creation by Random Disorder, Creation by Chaos, Creation by Death (natural selection), and Creation by Chance.

Creation by Chance is the dumbest idea ever created by the mind of man, and we all fell for it, because we desperately wanted it to be true.

Creation by Chance in every form has to be eliminated from science, if we really want to find and know the truth.  Creation by Chance has to be tossed out of science as the ONLY causal explanation for the origin of everything that exists in this universe.  Science needs to be upgraded.  Currently, Creation by Chance or Chance Causality is the ONLY interpretation and the ONLY explanation that is given to scientific evidence within our science community at-large.  We need to do better.  We need to reach out and discover the True Cause of everything that we experience and observe.

That’s one of the main reasons why I decided to upgrade my science to Science 2.0.  Science 2.0 allows ALL of the evidence into evidence, and then it tries to pursue a preponderance of that evidence.  I redefined science from “Creation by Chance” to “Observation and Experience” instead.  That represents a massive upgrade to science as a whole.  For me personally, it changed everything for the better.  I’m actively looking for the True Cause of everything that exists, rather than assigning everything to chance.

I’m a scientist more than I am a philosopher, but I’m willing to do what it takes to upgrade the Philosophy of Science while I’m upgrading Science as well.  I want to replace all of the stupid ideas and falsified philosophies with the things that have actually been experienced and observed.

We haven’t experienced nor observed Creation by Chance, or Creation Ex Nihilo, or Spontaneous Generation, or Abiogenesis, or Macro-Evolution, or Chemical Evolution; but, we have experienced and observed the effects of Psyche, Intelligence, Quantum Consciousness, Conservation of Energy, Action at a Distance, Quantum Information Conservation, and ALL of the massless, heatless, entropyless, non-physical Photons and Quantum Fields that exist.  We have observed, experienced, verified, and proven the effects of the massless, entropyless, non-physical Quantum Fields.  Gravity, microwaves, radio waves, magnetism, x-rays, light rays, thoughts, after-death memories, and other types of quantum waves ARE massless, entropyless, non-physical quantum entities or quantum objects that we have actually experienced and observed.  Each one of them is sustained by a different type of Quantum Field.  Thanks to Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics, the non-physical has been proven to exist.  It’s been experienced and observed!

Rather than going with “Creation by Chance” as the majority of our science community has done, I choose to go with “Observation and Experience” instead.  I choose to upgrade my science to Science 2.0 by abandoning Creation by Chance and by going with observations and lived experiences in its place.  I choose to redefine science as observation and experience and knowledge rather than defining science as Creation by Chance and Creation Ex Nihilo as our science community has done.  I choose to upgrade my science by choosing to find better and more demonstrable interpretations for the scientific evidence than the Creation by Chance interpretation that is typically given to scientific data in our modern era within our science community.

Most scientists in this world define “science” as Materialism, Naturalism, Physicalism, Physical Reductionism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Classical Physics, Entropy, Atheism, Creation Ex Nihilo, and Creation by Chance.  Such an act is called begging the question or jumping to conclusions, which is a logic fallacy.  In the complete absence of evidence, they define science as something that it can’t possibly be.  It’s a category error logic fallacy.  They define “science” as Creation by Chance and leave it at that.  They make no effort to find the True Cause or the True Origin of the things that exist.

Materialism, Physicalism, Darwinism, Behaviorism, and Determinism were carefully and purposefully designed to convince people that God and the Supernatural do not exist.  They were designed to convince people that Action at a Distance or Quantum Mechanics does not exist.  Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives were designed to exclude and eliminate any and all evidence demonstrating or proving that Psyche or Syntropy or Photons exists.  Materialism, Darwinism, and Naturalism make the claim that the immaterial, massless, entropyless, non-physical Photons and Quantum fields DO NOT EXIST.  These falsified philosophies claim that ONLY physical matter exists.  The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists ONLY believe in physical matter, entropy, death, and creation by chance.  Therefore, all of their “science” is interpreted as Creation by Physical Matter (idolatry), Creation by Disorder or Entropy (the second law of thermodynamics), Creation by Death (natural selection), or Creation by Chance.  These falsified philosophies represent everything that is currently wrong with modern-day science.  The whole thing is nothing but Creation by Chance.

We’ll never be able to use Materialism and Naturalism to prove that God exists or to prove that Action at a Distance exists because these atheistic philosophical assumptions start with the pre-chosen conclusion that God, Psyche, Action at a Distance, the massless Photons, the entropyless Quantum Fields, and Quantum Mechanics DO NOT EXIST.  The ONLY way to prove that God exists is through direct observations and lived experiences.  If God doesn’t reveal Himself to us, then He remains forever unknown.  Likewise, the BEST way to prove that Psyche, Action at a Distance, Spirit Matter or Dark Matter, Quantum Tunneling, the Quantum Zeno Effect, and the massless, heatless, entropyless, non-physical Photons and Quantum Fields exist IS to live them and experience them and observe them for ourselves.

I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist; so, I know of what I speak.  I have been there and done that.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.  When it comes time to interpret the scientific evidence, garbage in produces garbage out.  Creation by Entropy, Creation by Disorder, or Creation by Chance is the dumbest idea ever produced by the mind of man; and, most of our science community has chosen to define “science” as Creation by Entropy, Creation by Disorder, Creation by Death (natural selection), or Creation by Chance.

One day, I decided that I didn’t like where that road was taking me, so I (My Human Psyche) chose to turn around and go the other way.  I didn’t like My Materialism, My Naturalism, My Nihilism, and My Atheism.  I didn’t like all the deceptions and the lies.  So, I did a 180 and headed off in the other direction; and, my life and my science have been getting better and better ever since.

How we choose to define things makes all the difference in the world.  As long as we continue to define “science” as Materialism and Naturalism, then Science’s most basic, most fundamental, and most essential questions will remain forever unanswered and unknown to us.  It’s unavoidable.  As long as we continue to define science as Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation by Chance, we will NEVER find the True Cause of anything that exists.

Creation by Chance is the dumbest way to interpret scientific evidence, because Creation by Chance IS the Null Hypothesis in every science experiment that we conduct.  By definition, the Null Hypothesis was produced by chance alone.  The Null Hypothesis or Creation by Chance is automatically falsified by True Causal Entities and True Causal Forces.  The whole purpose of a science experiment is to find the True Cause of what we are observing and experiencing, which means that the whole purpose of a science experiment is to falsify and reject and eliminate the Null Hypothesis, or Creation by Chance, or Chance Causality.

We NEED to upgrade our science to include everything that has ever been experienced and observed, and then we NEED to find its True Cause.

Materialism, Naturalism, Behaviorism, and Determinism have NO scientific explanation for something as simple and basic as choice!  They can’t explain choice, so they say that it does not exist.  That’s what they do with everything that they can’t explain – they say that it doesn’t exist, sweep it under the rug, and pretend that it doesn’t exist.  That’s what they tried to do with Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.  They can’t explain it, so they just ignore it.  As long as we choose to define “science” as Materialism and Naturalism, then Science’s most basic concepts will remain unexplained and unexplainable.

However, if we choose to define “science” as Fine-Tuning, then instantly we have thousands (if not millions) of different Scientific Proofs of God’s Existence suddenly spring forth before our eyes as if from nowhere.  I KNOW because I have done that as well.  Science IS Fine-Tuning; and, Fine-Tuning is an infinitely better definition for Science than Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism.  Whenever we do Science, we are in fact doing Fine-Tuning of some sort, are we not?  We are testing things and trying to determine their True Cause.  We are trying to figure out how things really work.  We are trying to eliminate chance from the equation.

How we choose to define things makes all the difference in the universe.  How we choose to interpret the scientific data makes all the difference in a science experiment.

When we choose to define “science” as Fine-Tuning, Science’s explanatory power literally goes through the roof!  The same thing happens when we choose to define “science” as Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, Intelligence, Psyche, Quantum Consciousness, Quantum Field Theory, Observation, Conservation of Energy, Conservation of Quantum Information, Lived Experiences, Eye-Witness Evidence, and Syntropy.  Instantly, we can explain EVERYTHING that comes our way.  Suddenly, nothing is beyond our reach.

Mark My Words





Science 2.0

Hmm.  Upgrades.

Here are some upgrades to Science and the Philosophy of Science that made a huge difference in the way that I look at science and study science.

Fixing the Scientific Method

Fixing Philosophy

Fixing Science

For me personally, the turning point came when I learned how to use the Scientific Method to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  In terms of dividends paid, this was actually one of my greatest scientific discoveries of all time.

Falsifying Theories

In the long run, Syntropy just might be my most important discovery in science.  Syntropy is a massive upgrade to science and philosophy that seems to have been completely overlooked by everyone.

Defining Syntropy



I’m Not a Creationist

I’m Not a Creationist   I’m not a Creationist. What does this mean in practice? It means that I don’t believe in creation ex nihilo, which the Christian Catholics and Protestants choose to believe in and promote. Creation ex nihilo is impossible and patently absurd. I’m not a Creationist – I don’t believe in creation …

Kin Selection

Kin Selection   Kin Selection is another smoking gun where Psyche is concerned. Kin Selection: The idea that evolution has selected altruism toward one’s close relatives to enhance the survival of mutually shared genes. Our genes dispose us to care for relatives. Thus, one form of self-sacrifice that would increase gene survival is devotion to …

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