The Perpetual Motion Cycle

The Perpetual Motion Cycle


Once we have the True Meaning or the True Definition for a scientific theory or a scientific concept, then even the simplest of mathematical equations can reveal the profoundest truths, that have been hidden from the world for the duration of human history.

E = mc2 is one such equation.

Obviously, I am not the first person on the planet to discover and use E = mc2. However, I may be the first person to discover what it truly means and what it truly is.

E = mc2 is the Perpetual Motion Cycle.

This Perpetual Motion Cycle is the heart of modern-day physics, and we don’t even know it because we are still caught-up in or stuck in the dark ages with Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Creation Ex Nihilo, Classical Realism, Creation by Chance, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Most people on this planet don’t even know it, but the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Determinism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Classical Realism, Atheism or Creation Ex Nihilo, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which ARE Creation by Chance, Creation by Disorder, Creation by Chaos, Creation by Death, or Creation by Entropy.

The false is falsified by the truth, and the truth is repeatedly and constantly experienced and observed.

E = mc2 is Quantum Mechanics, particularly Quantum Field Theory. E = mc2 is Conserved! The Quantum Fields ARE perpetual motion machines. The Quantum Fields operate on the Perpetual Motion Cycle and are an integral part of the Perpetual Motion Cycle. Once the Quantum Fields were made by Nature or Nature’s Psyche, they have always been conserved thanks to E = mc2 and the Conservation of Energy, the Conservation of Quantum Information, and the Conservation of Psyche or Quantum Consciousness.

It’s Nature’s Psyche or Nature’s Intelligence who makes the quantum waves or the photons in the first place. Later, it is Nature’s Psyche or Nature’s Intelligence who collapses the wave function and transforms infinite acceleration or omnipresent quantum waves or photons INTO mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead.

According to the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 and Quantum Field Theory, the Gods or the Controlling Psyches had to design and make the massless, heatless, and entropyless Quantum Fields BEFORE they could make and sustain mass, resistance to acceleration, heat, and mass’s heat storage capacity which is entropy. The proven and verified existence of the Quantum Fields FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics, which says that they don’t exist and can’t exist. The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields exist. The Quantum Fields are pure Syntropy or pure Exergy. The Quantum Fields are perfect Order and Organization. The Quantum Fields are massless, invisible, non-physical, immaterial, entropyless, syntropic, exergic, and conserved Perpetual Motion Machines. Their very existence falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.

According to the Law of Psyche, each psyche or intelligence or life force or quantum consciousness has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control, and that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so. This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 in action. The controlling psyche CHOOSES what form the energy under its control will be. Psyches can also coordinate their actions transpersonally or telepathically at the quantum level through thoughts or quantum waves. This is the way things really work at the quantum level in the quantum realm, or the non-physical realm, or the spiritual realm. This is what has actually been experienced and observed.

According to Quantum Field Theory, particles are born, and particles die. In other words, particles or quanta of any kind are made, and they can be unmade or reabsorbed back into the quantum fields from whence they came, anytime and anywhere that their controlling psyche CHOOSES to make them or transform them or dissolve them. All the while, their energy is conserved. This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 in action.

The Perpetual Motion Cycle has been experienced, and observed, and verified. That means that it is real and truly exists. The Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 works perfectly and eternally, both coming and going, thanks to the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, as well as the Conservation of Quantum Information.

Currently in our sun, Nature or Nature’s Psyche is transforming mass, heat, and entropy into massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons or quantum waves. Nature’s Psyche is transforming resistance to acceleration, mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy), mass, and heat into infinite acceleration instead. Photons and quantum waves go from zero to the speed-of-light instantly. That is infinite acceleration. Photons and quantum waves also CHOOSE their ultimate velocity, which can be less than the speed-of-light, the speed-of-light, or an infinite velocity which we call omnipresence or quantum tunneling. This is the part of the Perpetual Motion Cycle where Nature or Nature’s Psyche transforms mass, heat, and entropy into massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons, quantum waves, and infinite acceleration instead. This is happening all the time through our sun or within our sun.

Likewise, any time that a photon, virtual particle, or quantum wave CHOOSES TO STOP, that photon or quantum wave transforms its omnipresence and infinite acceleration INTO mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead. The controlling psyche within a photon or a quantum wave can transform that photon or quantum wave into ANYTHING that it wants that photon or quantum wave to be, anytime and anywhere that it CHOOSES to do so. In Feynman Diagrams, photons or quantum waves are constantly transforming themselves into electrons and positrons, or quarks and gluons. Massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons and quantum waves are constantly transforming themselves INTO mass, heat, and entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity) all the time. All the while, the energy is conserved!

This, too, is a part of the Perpetual Motion Cycle. It’s happening all the time. This, too, has been experienced and observed. A miniature Big Bang happens every time a photon CHOOSES to stop and land on our skin. That photon transforms itself into mass or heat. We typically feel the heat, when a photon lands on our skin. However, a photon or quantum does NOT have to transform itself into heat if it doesn’t want to. It can transform itself into mass, resistance to acceleration, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead, if it chooses to do so. A photon or quantum wave doesn’t have to stop if it doesn’t want to. A photon or quantum wave can pass through water, glass, our earth, our sun, our physical body, or a black hole as if they weren’t even there, if a quantum wave or a photon chooses to do so. This too has been experienced and observed.

The whole Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 has been experienced and observed; and, it FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics which claims that the amount of disorder or entropy is constantly increasing and that it can never decrease and go to zero.

ALL of the conservation laws falsify the second law of thermodynamics! The second law is a violation of the Conservation of Energy or the First Law of Thermodynamics. According to the second law of thermodynamics, nothing should exist. Everything should be random disorder or random chaos, or there should be nothing at all. The second law of thermodynamics FAILS TO PREDICT what we are actually experiencing and observing. Everything that exists falsifies the second law of thermodynamics! The very fact that you exist is scientific proof that the second law of thermodynamics is false.

Do we really observe proton decay?

Do we really observe ever-increasing disorder and chaos? Do we really observe an ever-encroaching gray goo coming in at us from all sides as the second law of thermodynamics predicts? Or do we observe constantly conserved order and organization as Quantum Field Theory and the Perpetual Motion Cycle predict?

The one that we actually experience and observe is the one that’s actually real and true. This is the pinnacle of Science 2.0. Science 2.0 allows all of the evidence into evidence, and then it pursues a preponderance of that evidence. Science 2.0 is observation and experience. The Perpetual Motion Cycle has been experienced and observed; therefore, we know that it is real and truly exists.

We have NEVER observed an ever-increasing amount of substance coming into existence out of thin air from nothing as the second law predicts. We have NEVER observed creation ex nihilo, creation by entropy, creation by disorder, or creation by chance as the second law predicts. We have never observed the proton decay that the second law predicts. We have NEVER observed anything that the second law of thermodynamics predicts. Everything that exists FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.

But, we have observed the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 in action, both coming and going. The Perpetual Motion Cycle and constantly conserved Order and Organization at the quantum level FALSIFY the second law of thermodynamics which predicts and claims that they do not exist. We have indeed observed the Perpetual Motion Cycle and the massless, heatless, and entropyless photons, quantum waves, and quantum fields in action. We do indeed observe constantly conserved Order and Organization thanks to Quantum Field Theory, the Quantum Fields, the Perpetual Motion Cycle, the Conservation of Quantum Information, and the Conservation of Energy and Psyche.

The one that has been experienced and observed is the one that’s actually real and true. The second law of thermodynamics is a con and a scam that is falsified by everything that exists and by everything that has been experienced and observed. The second law of thermodynamics is FALSIFIED by the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2, as well as Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory. The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields or the Perpetual Motion Cycle exists.

My ultimate goal is to identify and fix everything that is wrong with Science; and, that process starts with and includes replacing the theory of evolution, the second law of thermodynamics, creation ex nihilo, and creation by chance WITH the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, the Conservation of Quantum Information, the Conservation of Order and Organization, the Law of Psyche, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and the Perpetual Motion Cycle instead. We replace the things that have NEVER been experienced NOR observed with the things that have actually been experienced, observed, verified, and proven true instead. That’s what Science 2.0 is all about, and that’s part of the reason why I chose to upgrade my science to Science 2.0. One day I simply realized that science as a whole is in massive need of a serious upgrade. Since then, I have tried to do just that.

Mark My Words





I’m Not a Creationist

I’m Not a Creationist


I’m not a Creationist.

What does this mean in practice?

It means that I don’t believe in creation ex nihilo, which the Christian Catholics and Protestants choose to believe in and promote. Creation ex nihilo is impossible and patently absurd.

I’m not a Creationist – I don’t believe in creation ex nihilo.

Furthermore, it means that I don’t believe in spontaneous generation or abiogenesis. Whether they realize it or not, the Evolutionists and Darwinists are also creationists. They too have chosen to believe in Chemical Evolution, or Macro-Evolution, or Creation by Spontaneous Generation. Spontaneous generation or chemical evolution is the same exact thing as creation ex nihilo – same principle but different “nothing”. Spontaneous generation, or chemical evolution, or macro-evolution is physically impossible and patently absurd. It’s prevented from happening by entropy.

I’m not a Creationist – I don’t believe in spontaneous generation or the theory of evolution.

As I see it, creation ex nihilo is a type of Atheism – creation of something from nothing by nothing. Nothing can create something from nothing. Not even God can create something from nothing. Creation ex nihilo is patently absurd, just like Atheism. You will never catch “nothing” in the act of designing and creating something. It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done.

Likewise, creation by nothing, or spontaneous generation, or chemical evolution, or macro-evolution is patently absurd, just like Atheism. Design and creation by “Nothing” or Atheism is illogical, irrational, and absurd. It has never been experienced nor observed because it’s impossible. Nothing can design and create something.

Creation ex nihilo is spontaneous generation or abiogenesis, which means that creation ex nihilo is a type of chemical evolution, magical evolution, or macro-evolution. Technically, creation ex nihilo is creation from nothing; and, spontaneous generation is creation by nothing; but, where both are concerned “Nothing” is the operative word. They are nothing. They don’t exist. Creation from nothing and creation by nothing are patently absurd. They are impossible! That means that they never happened. That means that they have been falsified.

Genes and proteins don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air, and neither does physical matter. These things are organized or made by Someone Intelligent or Someone Psyche.

I don’t believe that God is a creationist or magician. I believe that God is a scientist, the Ultimate Scientist.

God organized this physical universe from pre-existing Dark Matter or pre-existing Spirit Matter – not ex nihilo. There’s no such thing as creation ex nihilo. It’s impossible, which means that it didn’t happen because it can’t happen.

Like God, I’m a scientist; and, as a scientist, creation ex nihilo doesn’t make any logical sense to me. Creation ex nihilo demands way too much blind-faith from me. Nobody can create something from nothing, not even God.

Likewise, since I’m a scientist, I KNOW for a fact that spontaneous generation, chemical evolution, or macro-evolution was falsified in 1859 by Louis Pasteur – the very same year that Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”. We’ve KNOWN since the very beginning that the Theory of Evolution is false; but, most of the scientists chose to ignore that evidence preferring the convenient fiction instead. Charles Darwin was telling them what they wanted to hear; and, Louis Pasteur was not. Self-deception works, and it works every time. I KNOW because I used to be a Physicalist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.

God, or Psyche, or Syntropy had to exist BEFORE God did “creation ex nihilo”; and, the very existence of God or the pre-existence of God FALSIFIES creation ex nihilo, because God ain’t nothing.

Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it.

Observation or Premise: A genome was obviously made.

Logical Conclusion: Therefore, a genome obviously has a Maker or a Creator who designed it, programmed it, engineered it, field-tested it, fine-tuned it, made it, manufactured it, and deployed it.

Your genome is God’s Signature, and it is written on every cell in your body. Your genome didn’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air as the Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists claim because that’s physically impossible. Spontaneous generation or chemical evolution is prevented from happening by random diffusion and the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy cannot design and create proteins, genes, eyes, brains, and life forms. It has never been caught in the act of doing so; and, it never will be because it’s impossible.

Remember, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are based exclusively on entropy; and, it always requires some type of Syntropy or Intelligence in order to be able to design and create something new and useful from atoms or from scratch.

The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed. Remember, creation ex nihilo, spontaneous generation, macro-evolution, and chemical evolution have NEVER been experienced nor observed. They are impossible which means that they are false and have been falsified.

Mark My Words




I Am Not a Creationist: So What Am I?



God Is in the Light: God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.

Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective.

Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.

Scientific Proof of God’s Existence: Finding God Where the Atheists Refuse to Look for Him



Kin Selection

Kin Selection


Kin Selection is another smoking gun where Psyche is concerned.

Kin Selection: The idea that evolution has selected altruism toward one’s close relatives to enhance the survival of mutually shared genes.

Our genes dispose us to care for relatives. Thus, one form of self-sacrifice that would increase gene survival is devotion to one’s children. Compared with neglectful parents, parents who put their children’s welfare ahead of their own are more likely to pass their genes on. As evolutionary psychologist David Barash wrote, “Genes help themselves by being nice to themselves, even if they are enclosed in different bodies.” Genetic egoism (at the biological level) fosters parental altruism (at the psychological level). Although evolution favors self-sacrifice for one’s children, children have less at stake in the survival of their parents’ genes. Thus, according to the theory, parents will generally be more devoted to their children than their children are to them. (Social Psychology, p. 452.)

Without realizing it, these people have painted themselves into a corner with this one. The idea of genes helping each other even if they are enclosed in different bodies is physically impossible. There’s NO physical mechanism in place whereby the genes can communicate with each other, especially the genes in different bodies! If the genes are communicating with each other, then they are doing so at the quantum level or the psyche level because they can’t do so at the physical level.

The ONLY way to make Kin Selection true is if we all axiomatically agree in advance that the genes (and evolution) are psychic and are therefore capable of determining telepathically which genes are related to them and which genes are not. In order for the genes to be nice to each other, they have to know each other, perceive each other, and show favoritism to each other. They have to be psychic and have some kind of psyche.

However, if we agree in advance axiomatically that genes have a psyche, that genes perceive each other telepathically, and that genes are therefore psychic, then we have in fact FALSIFIED Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and even Atheism in the process. These people personify the genes – imbue them with Psyche and Intelligence – and in the process falsify the major premises of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism which state that Psyche or Syntropy does not exist. Thereby, these falsified philosophies or falsified religions end up being self-defeating.

When it comes to Science, we observe that Psyche, Quantum Mechanics, or Syntropy always ends up being the best possible explanation that can be given to ALL of the evidence that we are observing and experiencing, including the physical evidence. Remember, entropy and physical matter would not exist without a massive initial infusion of Syntropy, Intelligence, Power, Quantum Mechanics, or Psychic Intervention somewhere sometime along the way.

Remember, perception is a function and a product of Psyche. At the physical level, the genes have no way of knowing or perceiving which genes are related to them and which genes are not; and at the physical level, the genes have NO way to pass that information on to the physical body or physical brain even if the genes were to know who is related to them and who is not. At the physical level, the genes have no way to perceive each other, thereby falsifying the claims of Kin Selection. By restricting and limiting everything to the physical level, the Materialists and Naturalists automatically falsify anything and everything that needs Psyche or Intelligence or Perception in order to become true – such as Kin Selection and Creation by Mutation/Selection.

Remember, evolution can’t do selection! Selection requires some type of choice, and choice requires some type of Psyche! By definition, in principle, evolution is dumb and blind without a soul or a mind. The theory of evolution is self-defeating because evolution of any kind can’t do selection or choice. Evolution doesn’t exist as some type of Psyche or Person who is capable of making choices or doing selection. The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed. The theory of evolution is obviously false because evolution of any type by definition in principle cannot do selection, psyche, or choice. Evolution of any type cannot do science, but the Human Psyche and God’s Psyche certainly can. They’ve been caught in the act of doing so.

With just a bit of scientific observation, it’s easy to see that Kin Selection is a fictional ad hoc just-so story that they made up out of thin air after-the-fact to match with what we have experienced and observed from Intelligent Beings or the Human Psyche. They took Kin Selection, a philosophical idea or religious idea, and they personified it, humanized it, anthropomorphized it, and deified it. Kin Selection and the Theory of Evolution are man-made idols or man-made gods. The Theory of Evolution is our modern-day form of idolatry, which is a belief in false gods that are incapable of delivering the goods.

The theory of evolution is self-defeating because it can’t do what they say it does. The genes can’t be nice to each other without a psyche or a soul; and, if the genes have a psyche or a soul, then the very existence of Psyche or Syntropy falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution. The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.

Mark My Words


God Is in the Light: God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.



Naturalism Is Prejudice

Prejudice: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


The Militant Atheists are the force behind Communism.  Darwinism was the force behind Nazism or Fascism.  These people will kill you if you refuse to believe as they believe.  This is the ugly and the evil side of prejudice.

There are certain aspects of prejudice that I want to remember and retain.  Prejudice isn’t always bad for us.  There are times when prejudice can be good for us – it can actually save our lives.

“Prejudice.  A vagrant opinion without visible means of support.” — Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911.

Can you sense the hidden message within this quote?

Our prejudices are NOT based upon physical matter!  Our prejudices are a function of Syntropy – they are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche.  Our genes and our cells aren’t prejudiced against anyone nor are they biased toward anyone.  Prejudice is NOT a function of our genetics; and, our society or those other psyches can’t force us to be prejudiced either.  Our prejudice is chosen into existence by our Psyche.  Our prejudices reflect the personal preferences of our Psyche, Spirit, Mind, or Soul.

Fascinating, is it not?

Likewise, when it comes to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, and Atheism, there’s NO visible means of support for their major premises or hidden assumptions which state that Syntropy or Psyche or Quantum Mechanisms do not exist.  In other words, these materialistic and naturalistic philosophies are also a product of the Human Psyche – they have NO basis in physical reality.

This is where the tires really hit the pavement.  It doesn’t get any more real or essential than this!

There’s NO physical reality and NO physical evidence backing up the naturalistic claims which state that Quantum Mechanics, Supernatural Mechanisms, Action at a Distance, Psyche, Non-Local Consciousness, Syntropy, Free Will, Forgiveness, Mercy, and Love DO NOT EXIST.  These are philosophical beliefs or metaphysical beliefs that were chosen into existence by Someone Psyche.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and Atheism are philosophical assumptions, and they only exist within the Human Psyche or the Human Mind.  There’s no physical evidence supporting them!  In fact, ALL of the observational and experiential evidence falsifies them.  If we choose to define Science as observation and experience rather than Materialism and Naturalism, then Science itself falsifies Materialism and Naturalism.

Fascinating, is it not?

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are prejudices!  They are a vagrant opinion without any visible means of support.  They are internally inconsistent or logically inconsistent.  In other words, they are self-defeating.

This is one of the coolest and most useful scientific observations that I made while studying Social Psychology.

Prejudice is an attitude.   An attitude is a distinct combination of feelings, inclinations to act, and beliefs.  It can be easily remembered as the ABCs of attitudes: affect (feelings), behavior tendency (inclination to act), and cognition (beliefs).  A prejudiced person may dislike those different from self and behave in a discriminatory manner, believing them ignorant and dangerous. Like many attitudes, prejudice is complex.

A stereotype is a belief about the personal attributes of a group of people.  Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information.

Prejudice is a negative attitude; discrimination is negative behavior.  Discriminatory behavior often has its source in prejudicial attitudes.  (Social Psychology, p. 309.)

I don’t buy into the idea that prejudice and discrimination are always negative.  They can save your life.  The idea that prejudice and discrimination are always negative is a leftist idea that the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Atheists, and Gay Activists have produced.  They demand that everyone tolerate their actions and beliefs; but, they have no tolerance for anyone else’s ideas and beliefs.  They define prejudice narrowly as prejudice against Gays and Atheists; and, they define discrimination narrowly in the same manner.

However, my prejudice and discrimination against terrorists, drug dealers, psychiatric drugs, alcoholism, indiscriminate sex, Fascists, and Militant Atheists could actually save my life.

I have already decided that homosexuality is not for me; and, I’m extremely grateful that I’m not so inclined.  My homosexual friends have suffered greatly throughout their lives; and, all of that lost potential starts to wear on them as the years go by.  Some of them have no children that they can call their own.  Others have children, but they all have abandoned the spouse who gave them their children.  It’s tragic!  It’s heart-rending.  All those broken promises and ruined lives!

Free will is to be celebrated, for sure; but, same-sex attraction has nothing else to recommend it in my humble opinion.  All that lost potential is sad and should be pitied.  I feel sorry for them.  There’s no need to persecute them because their curse carries within it its own natural and automatic punishment.  Same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior is punishment enough.  It carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.

Prejudice is an attitude; and, attitudes are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche.  Feelings, chosen behaviors, and beliefs are chosen into existence by the Psyche, Mind, Spirit, or Soul.  It has nothing to do with our genes or our evolutionary history.  It has little to do with our reinforcement history – the Human Psyche can trump or override its nature and nurture at will.

Our beliefs are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche.  The decision to act or not to act is chosen into existence by the Human Psyche.  Chosen behaviors are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche.  Our genes don’t make our choices for us.  They can’t!  However, other psyches or society can make choices for us.  Either way, though, choice is solely a function and a product of the Human Psyche as well as all those other psyches.  Only Psyche can do choice.

We continue to have feelings and perceptions long after our physical brain is dead and gone according to the scientific evidence that has been obtained from Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), and our after-death Life Reviews.  Feelings are a product of the Human Psyche.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are prejudices!  They are a vagrant opinion without any visible means of support.  They were chosen into existence by the Human Psyche.  Prejudice is typically defined as a negative attitude, a false belief, or an unproductive attitude.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives certainly qualify, don’t they!  Attitudes are produced by the Human Psyche, not our genes.  Our genes don’t have attitudes.  Evolution doesn’t have an attitude.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism were purposefully and deliberately designed to resist and reject new information – any information or evidence that falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as the Theory of Evolution.  These things are based exclusively upon a refusal to look at evidence because ALL of the evidence that we have falsifies them!  They are resistant to new information or the new scientific discoveries that falsify them.  These people have convinced themselves that Psyche or Syntropy does not exist.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.

Furthermore, the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists have chosen to discriminate against those who don’t believe in their philosophy, dogma, or religion.  They set up a complex peer review system, academic system, censorship systems, mind-guards, evangelists, and social pressure systems in order to enforce their beliefs onto others.  Their ultimate goal is to make everyone believe as they do.  The purpose of our public schools is to indoctrinate us into Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism.  The laws of the United States were redesigned to protect them in these endeavors and to promote their cause.  That’s where all the money goes.

Fascinating, is it not?

Well, I think it is because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  The scientific evidence or the observational evidence convinced me that I was wrong.  Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, Non-Locality, Psyche, and Syntropy convinced me that I was wrong.

You can’t be right when you are wrong.

The verified and proven existence of Action at a Distance and Quantum Mechanics falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  Quantum Mechanics is Syntropy; and, Syntropy is powerful science to know and understand.  Physical matter is based upon entropy.  Everything else is Syntropy.  Psyche is Syntropy.


My Observations and Conclusions


One of the most interesting scientific discoveries or scientific observations that I have made is that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are prejudices!  They are a vagrant opinion without any visible means of support.  In the complete absence of physical evidence demonstrating and proving their case, these people have pre-judged that they are right and that everyone else is wrong.  Without doing any actual Science, these people have jumped to the conclusion that the quantum, or the non-local, or the supernatural, or the non-physical does not exist.  That’s prejudice!  That’s pre-judgment.  That’s blind faith!

As our textbook says, even social psychologists and Christians have and experience preferences or prejudices.  It seems to be a natural innate part of our being.  We are constantly doing social comparisons, both consciously and unconsciously.  It’s there, and it’s real.  The only thing you can do about it is to be aware of it and actively resist it within yourself when deemed appropriate to do so.  You can’t force others to stop being prejudiced, so there is no use trying.  The best you can do is to show them another example or another way, and then let them make up their own minds what they want to do and what they want to believe.

I’m 57 now.  I don’t think about my prejudices all that much like I used to.  Some of them are newly developed and I actually want to keep them.  Some of our prejudices can actually be good for us.

It’s obvious that I have become prejudiced against Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution because I have successfully used Science, Scientific Observations, and the Scientific Method to falsify them.  That was a hard-won prejudice or discrimination, and I hope to never overcome it.  All I ever really wanted is to know the truth, and now I do.

I now define Science as observation and experience, NOT Materialism and Naturalism.  I’ve upgraded my science to Science 2.0, which allows ALL of the evidence into evidence and pursues a preponderance of the evidence.  You can too, if you want to.

Mark My Words


Reference Material

Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Science 2.0:  I Upgraded My Science

The Brain Is MAPPED

The Brain Is MAPPED


Is prejudice socialized or conditioned into us, part of our genetic inheritance, or something that we bring with us from our pre-mortal life as part of our psyche or spiritual makeup?


According to the BioPsychoSocial Model, the answer is all three. Each one contributes its part to the overall picture. We mortal beings are BioPsychoSocial beings.


Introduction to Brain Functionality

Brain functionality has been MAPPED. Different parts of the physical brain have been MAPPED to provide different types of physical functionality. This reality has been experienced and observed. Two of the MAIN MAPS are what the Neuroscientists call the Sensory Homunculus Map and the Motor Homunculus Map.

It’s real. It’s true. Brain functionality has been MAPPED.

Scientists, Neuroscientists, and Psychologists have caught these different MAPS being used in real life by real people

In some situations, automatic, implicit prejudice can have life or death consequences.

It also appears that different brain regions are involved in automatic and consciously controlled stereotyping. Pictures of outgroups that elicit the most disgust (such as drug addicts and the homeless) elicit brain activity in areas associated with disgust and avoidance.

This suggests that automatic prejudices involve primitive regions of the brain associated with fear, such as the amygdala, whereas controlled processing is more closely associated with the frontal cortex, which enables conscious thinking.

We also use different bits of our frontal lobes when thinking about ourselves or groups we identify with, versus when thinking about people that we perceive as dissimilar to us.

Even the social scientists who study prejudice seem vulnerable to automatic prejudice. (Social Psychology, pp. 314-315.)

A physical brain is MAPPED!

What do we know about maps in general?

We know that maps do not spontaneously generate out of thin air.

Maps require some kind of Map-Maker.

Brain functionality has been MAPPED. Mapped by whom? Where are these MAPS being stored? How are these MAPS created, and how are they being used? Who is using these MAPS?

Maps have no value if they aren’t being used by Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent to get something useful done.


The Map-Maker Argument

The following syllogism summarizes this scientific discovery:

Scientific Observation: Every type of MAP has a Map-Maker who made it. MAPS don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air.

Scientific Observation: It’s obvious that each part of a physical brain has been carefully MAPPED to perform a specific physical function.

Scientific Conclusion: Therefore, every physical brain has a Map-Maker, who MAPPED each part of that brain for specific physical functions.

This is a syllogism. If the premises or observations are true, then the conclusion has to be true as well. This syllogism is philosophically valid and observationally sound.


Your Primitive Brain and Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality

There’s nothing primitive about your brain. ALL the functionality had to be there from the very beginning, or it would have had no survival value and the human race would have gone extinct. However, Nature’s Psyche (or God’s Psyche) has indeed MAPPED different parts of your brain at the quantum level so that your brain can perform different types of physical functionality at the physical level.

The MAPS are created and stored at the quantum level by Nature’s Psyche. We KNOW this is so, because there’s not enough memory storage capacity within our 750-megabyte genome to store and process the petabytes of MAPPING and INTERFACING that’s taking place both at the quantum level and the physical level simultaneously. It’s physically impossible to store petabytes of Mapped Functionality within our 750-megabyte genome.

The 2.9 billion base pairs of the haploid human genome correspond to a maximum of about 725 megabytes of data, since every base pair can be coded by 2 bits. — Uncle Google.

You can’t shove petabytes of QUANTUM MAPPING and/or SYNAPTIC MAPPING into a 725-megabyte to 750-megabyte genome. It’s physically impossible. But, there’s seems to be NO memory storage limits at the quantum level or the psyche level. The quantum doesn’t have any physical limitations. That’s the primary message and lesson of Quantum Mechanics – namely, quantum mechanisms have NO physical limitations.

Some parts of the brain were MAPPED by Nature’s Psyche to register physical input or physical sensations from the environment, and other parts of the brain were MAPPED by Nature’s Psyche to register and then manifest the Human Psyche’s feelings, emotions, desires, choices, and actions onto the physical plane. We KNOW that it was Nature’s Psyche who did this MAPPING for us at the quantum level, because the Human Psyche isn’t consciously aware of these things. This QUANTUM MAPPING and SYNAPTIC MAPPING is being handled automatically for us by Nature’s Psyche, or by God. Some parts of the brain are consciously controlled by the Human Psyche; and, other parts of the brain are controlled automatically for us by Nature’s Psyche. Remember, ALL of the quantum mapping and physical functionality of the brain is handled by Nature’s Psyche outside the conscious awareness of the Human Psyche.

Nature’s Psyche organized the physical brain structure and then MAPPED the different neurons, glial cells, and synapses at the quantum level to have a specific meaning, purpose, or goal at the physical level. Then Nature’s Psyche uses those Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality to get things done for us at the physical level by collapsing the necessary wave functions and/or turning on the necessary neurons from the quantum level whenever the Human Psyche makes a choice and wants to get something done at the physical level.

I was very pleased with the explanatory power of Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality when it was first revealed to me. It made sense to me and basically explained everything that we are observing and experiencing when it comes to a physical brain and brain functionality. I think Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality is my favorite scientific discovery, due to its massive explanatory power. I finally feel like I understand how everything really works at every level of existence.

Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality also match perfectly with the Orthodox Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Henry P. Stapp, which explains that it is the Human Psyche who makes the choices and it is Nature’s Psyche who collapses the necessary wave functions and/or turns on the necessary neurons in order to make that CHOICE actual and real in the physical world.

I eventually concluded that Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality is the BEST explanation for brain functionality that we have discovered to date. It explains what Nature’s Psyche and the Human Psyche are doing for us at the quantum level in order to get things done for us at the physical level. Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality provide the interface between the quantum level and the physical level; and, that’s all I really needed to know and have.

Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality also match perfectly with and explain the origin of the Sensory Homunculus Map and the Motor Homunculus Map, which the Neuroscientists have discovered at the physical level. Nature’s Psyche (or God) creates these MAPS or INTERFACES at both the quantum level and the physical level, and then Nature’s Psyche uses these MAPS at the quantum level in order to get things done for us at the physical level. Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality explain everything that I learned about neuroscience, brain functionality, psyche, consciousness, and quantum mechanics. Quantum Maps of Physical Functionality combine everything into one realistic whole, both at the quantum level and the physical level.

Remember, there’s nothing primitive about your brain.

If parts of your brain are missing or fail to develop, Nature’s Psyche can still MAP physical functionality onto the parts of the brain that remain. It’s called Neuroplasticity; and, Neuroplasticity is a proven and verified part of Neuroscience. A properly developed brain really isn’t necessary for a fully functional brain. During development, Nature’s Psyche can MAP all functionality to the parts of the brain that are there, while working around those that are not.

Once the MAPS and axonal connections have been established, though, it’s basically a done deal. If you cut the axons or destroy the MAP, there are times when the physical functionality does not return. However, depending upon the location and the severity of the damage, there are other times when the physical functionality gets successfully REMAPPED at both the quantum level and the physical level by Nature’s Psyche. It all depends upon the situation, as well as the determination of the Human Psyche.

If the Human Psyche is determined to move its finger again, Nature’s Psyche can indeed be encouraged to MAP that physical functionality onto a different part of the physical brain. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes it does. Sometimes the axons don’t regrow and remap properly. Other times, they do. If the axon is still there but the neuron dies during a stroke, that axon can sometimes be REMAPPED to a different neuron or a different part of the brain. It’s hit and miss. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. This is what has been experienced and observed.

Oligodendrocytes in the brain and spine tend to block, resist, and restrict axonal regrowth and neural remapping. It’s as if the central nervous system has been set in plastic. Remapping can be done, but not as easily as it is done in the peripheral nervous system. The Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system tend to facilitate axonal regrowth and subsequent remapping. The axonal regrowth doesn’t always take place and isn’t always done right; but, it’s more likely to be done in the peripheral nervous system than the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is much more fluid and flexible.

In both cases, where there’s a WILL (a Human Psyche), there is often a way, even within the physical brain. Sometimes stroke victims can indeed recover and successfully make Nature’s Psyche remap their physical brain. Sometimes it doesn’t work, or there isn’t enough time to make it work before the person dies. Other times, the results seem to be miraculous.

As a teenager, I cut the nerves in the lateral part of my left thumb; and, that side of my thumb was numb and weird feeling for a long time. Forty years later, everything is back to normal. I’m only marginally aware of it if I’m actually thinking about it. Otherwise, the former damage goes unnoticed.

Remember, your brain, brain functionality, and nervous system have been MAPPED. Mapping requires some sort of intelligent Map-Maker in order to get the job done right. Maps don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air. Spontaneous generation or creation ex nihilo is impossible. It can’t happen, which means that it didn’t happen. The MAPS within your physical brain required some kind of intelligent Map-Maker, or they wouldn’t exist and they wouldn’t work right if they did exist.

Mark My Words




Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective.


Scientific Proof of God’s Existence: Finding God Where the Atheists Refuse to Look for Him


The Ultimate Model of Reality: Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause




Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything


Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.